How to Quickly Make Task Cards into a Scavenger Hunt

I LOVE using task cards in my class.  My students love them too because I make sure to vary the activities we do when we are using them in math.

One of my favorite ways to use the task cards is to turn them into a scavenger hunt. Students love being able to move around the room as they work instead of being stuck in their seats or doing an everyday worksheet.  It takes me about a total of 5 minutes to prepare if I have the answer key in front of me.

Here are the directions, step by step:

Step 1: Print and cut out your task cards. Hint: Printing them on colored paper or card stock can be helpful for durability and for step 2.

Step 2: Sort your task cards into numerical order by problem number.

Step 3: Set aside task card 1. Flip card #2 upside down so you are looking at the back of the card.  Write the answer to card 1. (I recommend using a light marker, crayon, or colored pencil to do this to prevent bleed-through).

Step 4: Flip the next task card in the series and write the answer to the previous card on the back.

Step 5: Repeat Step 4 until you have written on the back of all of the cards (the answer to the last card on the set goes onto the back of card #1.)

Step 6: Tape the cards around your classroom.  The answers should be right-side up, and when students flip the cards up, they should be able to see the problem beneath so it is right-side up as well.

How to implement the activity with your students:

I recommend printing out an answer sheet for students.  If they see an answer sheet with problem numbers, they are much more likely to complete every problem and not jump around. I also have a freebie here with student-friendly directions for this activity.

Tell students they can start at any task card around the room.  They should go to the card, flip it up and solve the problem on the back.  Then, they search the room for the correct answer.  When they get to the answer, they flip the card up.  If the card they flip is the next in the problem set, they know they got the previous answer correct. (The only exception is the last card in the set.  The answer to that card is on the back of card 1).  If it is not the next card, they need to go back and re-work the previous problem (or come ask for help).

Students should continue this process until they have completed all problems in the set.

I LOVE how this activity gets students up and moving around the room! The student engagement while they work is very high!

Good luck, and feel free to share a comment of how this activity works for you in your classroom!

Happy teaching!

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